The story of the Purim holiday is all about chance—or is it?
In this innovative matching book and card set, four artists—Tilla Crowne, Sophie Herxheimer, Mirta Kupferminc, and Jacqueline Nicholls—have come together to illustrate the classic Bible story, using the city of Venice and its venerable gambling culture as their inspiration.
In The New Venice Esther, 60 pieces of original art sit alongside the Biblical text in both Hebrew and English, each artist enriching the text in the form of playing cards with a literal “suit” of images that depict this classic tale of kings, queens, and their royal court.
In the Deck of Esther, this same artwork has been transposed onto a stunning set of playing cards so that the story of Esther can be shuffled and reshuffled endlessly.
The New Venice Esther and the Deck of Esther are projects of Beit Venezia: A Home for Jewish Culture.