I'm so excited to be carrying so many cards from our Toronto-based friends at Everyday Yiddish!
Cards currently in stock:
May their Memory be a Bracha - 5
Chant the Torah / Dance the Horah - 5
Mazels on Your Mitzvah - 5
Nice Tuchus - 7
Welcome to the World Bubeleh - 5
Dayenu (it would have been enough)! - 5
I Would Schlep North of Steeles Ave for You - 5
Best Brisket Recipe - 5
You are the (one little) GOAT - 4
In Your Balabusta Era - 3
Alter Kaker - 2
Can't Stop Kvelling - 1
I miss your Punim - 1
L'Chaim Baby - 1
Mazel Tov (Manischewitz) - sold out
Mensch of the Moment - sold out
You're getting Married and I'm getting Verklempt - 5
Mitzvah Era - 5
The cards.....